Al Masaood | Abu Dhabi | UAE


14 February 2022

As an avid runner, if there is one thing I learned its that nothing beats the sweet taste of victory just as you cross the finish line. At that moment, all the hurdles and difficulties you had faced fade away and a glorious sense of triumph prevails.


As I have taken you with me in my previous trekking and mountain climbing expeditions, I am once again sharing with you my most recent quest. Last weekend, I set gear to participate in this year’s Al Marmoom Ultramarathon 2022. Dubbed as the world’s longest desert ultramarathon, the 50km desert ultra-race was held this year in celebration of the UAE’s Golden Jubilee.


For me it goes beyond the UAE’s Golden Jubilee. I was inspired to partake in this challenge as I felt it closely resembled Al Masood’s 50-year journey – with all its challenges, opportunities, peaks, and troughs. It was also my way of celebrating the finale of AMA’s very own Project Falcon, and embodying the traits of perseverance, courage, and the bold determination that it has imprinted in our characters as a team.


This was no easy quest, but I am gratified to have joined some of the region’s most elite ultra-runners. Traversing the tough desert terrain was a constant reminder that with pure determination, even the toughest challenges will cave in to your will. This is exactly what we at AMA have set ourselves for in 2022.


This year we will let our Bold, Confident, and Resilient spirit reign free. And the best is yet to come.