Al Masaood | Abu Dhabi | UAE

Al Masaood Automobiles Collaborates with Vocational Education Development Centre for Apprenticeship Programme

31 October 2021

Following with Al Masaood Automobiles’ Automotive Specialisation Skills Programme, we have recently collaborated with the Vocational Education Development Centre (VEDC) to enrol their Emirati students in our apprenticeship programme. This programme will offer the Emirati youth an opportunity to gain hands-on practical expertise in automotive aftersales services.

The first enrolled batch consisted of eight Emirati students joining AMA for a period of six months. Consecutive batches will also be enrolled following the completion of this training.


Under Al Masaood Automobiles’ programme, participants will undergo extensive technical automotive skills training at our service centres, in support of the government’s Emiratisation policy and local talent enhancement initiative ‘Nafis’. This programme will also allow the trainees to delve deep into practical and theoretical components in automotive aftersales services, and will equip them with functional skills to improve their capabilities in this field.