Al Masaood | Abu Dhabi | UAE


Al Masaood Power Division Leads Discussion on Future Propulsion Technologies at mtu Customer Event  

30 May 2024

Al Masaood Power Division recently participated in a panel discussion at a customer event, hosted by its long-standing partner, mtu A Rolls-Royce Solution. As part of the 27th International Tug & Salvage Convention, Exhibition & Awards from 21-23 May, this event focused on the future of propulsion technologies and their implications in designing sustainable vessels.

Tarek Khodair, Head of Power Solutions represented Al Masaood Power Division, alongside mtu’s team members: Denise Kurtulus, Tobias Kohl, Sven Sonnenberg, and Christian Heidrich. In a stimulating discussion, they discussed emerging environmentally friendly solutions, and their key role in shaping the maritime industry's future.

The division's participation in this panel demonstrates Al Masaood Power's dedication to maritime advancements. By actively engaging in future propulsion technologies and sustainability initiatives, we remain committed to providing innovative solutions that meet our customers' evolving needs.

A big thank you to Tarek Khodair and the entire Al Masaood Power Division team for their contributions in making this event a success. Together with our partners, we aim to drive progress in sustainable maritime operations in the UAE and region.