Al Masaood | Abu Dhabi | UAE


Think. Act. Save: Go Green

6 June 2022

We are approaching a time when our planet is suffering the highest levels of pollution and simulate destruction. The world is only 10 years away from losing a lot of its rich nature and inhabitants. The climate change urgency is mounting and will eventually harm businesses and economies. It’s high time to remind ourselves to be more aware and take conscious measures towards protecting our planet.


Coinciding with the World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, we decided to launch a Group-wide ‘Go Green’ campaign with the objective of addressing sustainability and taking small steps towards environment protection. We truly believe that by making little changes in our daily lives, setting simple goals, and simply being more environment-conscious, our actions can go a long way.


Comprehending climate change consequences is crucial as it helps us protect livelihoods, homes, businesses, infrastructure, and natural ecosystems. Now is the time to THINK about bringing about a positive change. Let’s ACT on it by using sustainable and eco-friendly products and ways, to SAVE mother Nature.


Let us encourage ourselves to set realistic and simple goals towards sustainability. A simple act like planting a tree or using alternatives for plastic can make a huge difference. Be the change you wish to see in the world.